8th Project Newsletter
The 8th issue of BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE newsletter was sent out to subscribers on 4th October. The BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE project aims to replace commonly used plastics with bio-based and biodegradable alternatives. Within the project, bio-based polymers are produced and then tested in terms of their degradability and properties for their intended use.

This issue of the newsletter focuses on the advances achieved within the BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE project showing final outcomes and showing the overall project’s impact journey. This newsletter focuses on cross-continental exchange in Vietnam, BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE scientific colloquium, the new handbook that summarises the impact of bio-based and biodegradable plastics on existing waste management systems, expert insights, BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE Impactful Journey and more.
You can access the Newsletter as a PDF or read it as the following posts:
The BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE scientific colloquium - by Reinhard Saborowski, Lukas Miksch and Lars Gutow (AWI Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Germany)
Addressing the mismatch between policy and science: A white paper will tell the story of bio-based plastics and their alignment with current EU policies and strategy - by Dr. Carly Fletcher (Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom)
Cross-continental exchange in Vietnam: European-Asian symposium on avoiding plastic waste and promoting bio-based plastics - by Dr. Jelena Barbir (HAW Hamburg, Germany)
Information for a broad audience: New handbook summarises the impact of bio-based and biodegradable plastics on existing waste management systems – by Prof. Dr. Žaneta Stasiškienė I (Institute of Environmental Engineering Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)
Enlightening dialogue with Experts - Elements of the future and requirements regarding bio-based plastics were discussed – by Carolyn Brand & Angela Hahn (Prospex Institute, Belgium)
Impactful Journey - Navigating the Bio-Based Plastics Frontier – by Carolyn Brand (Prospex Institute, Belgium)
To those who have been in touch with our project and to all the newcomers, we wish you all a great read!
With this final issue we are closing our newsletter series. Thank you to all readers for following along on our journey!