Meet our partners: TICASS
Our third post in the partner introduction series focuses on our Italian partner Technologie Innovative per il Controllo Ambientale e lo Sviluppo Sostenible scrl - in short, TICASS.

Established in 2010, TICASS is a non-profit consortium based in Genoa, Italy, gathering 49 different entities such as SMEs, industries and research bodies. TICASS's mission is to promote, support, communicate and disseminate R&D and Technology Transfer processes in the areas of energy, environment, and sustainable development.
As the leader of BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE's Work Package 5 (Pre-normative research and field tests), TICASS manages the implementation of the experimental activities (on-field, on biota, and in controlled environments) undertaken on the modified compounds developed by our partners in Work Package 3 (Identification and tests of innovative product design). They evaluate possible applications of those compounds in five categories of objects: cutlery, soft and rigid packaging, mulch films, and toys. Their role is to take us from the project to the real world.
Prof. Elisabetta Arato (Professor of Chemical Engineering principles at University of Genoa and President of TICASS) is the Technical Coordinator of the project and is in charge of the technical-scientific activities and data/contents generation of WP5. She is supported by Claudia Pastorelli for analysing and evaluating the inputs of the consortium partners. Stefano Gianazzi, also involved in Work Package 9 (Project Communication and Dissemination), manages the implementation of WP5 activities in terms of both management and quality.
TICASS was one of the organisers of the event "Plastiche rinnovabili, biodegradabili e compostabili", which took place from 24.11.2020 to 26.11.2020. The slides of the event, which was held in Italian, can be found on our downloads page.