Meet our partners: National Research Council (CNR)
The National Research Council (CNR) is the largest public research institution in Italy, the only one under the Research Ministry performing multidisciplinary activities.

CNR institutes involved in BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE project are: IPCB, SCITEC and IBF.
Founded as legal person on 18 November 1923, CNR mission is to perform research in its own Institutes, to promote innovation and competitiveness of the national industrial system, to promote the internationalization of the national research system, to provide technologies and solutions for public and private needs, to advice Government and other public bodies and to contribute to the qualification of human resources. In the CNR research world, the main resource is the available knowledge which means people, with their skills, commitment and ideas. This capital comprises more than 8.000 employees, of whom more than half are researchers and technologists. 4.000 young researchers are engaged in postgraduate studies and research training at CNR within the organization’s top-priority areas of interest. A significant contribution also comes from research associates: researchers, from Universities or private firms, who take part in CNR research activities.
The Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials (IPCB) in Pozzuoli (Naples) has been established on 2014 by the merging of two CNR institutes ICTP and IMCB. The IPCB mission is to develop research and innovation in the field of Polymer Materials, Composites and Biomaterials in order to contribute to a dynamic sustainable innovation process within different level of organization The research activities based on the sustainability approach are mainly related to the development of innovative materials in the following strategic areas: Chemistry and materials for health and life science, Chemistry and energy, Advanced materials and technologies, Green chemistry. The activities are the result of the unique scientific knowledge gained in last 50 years in developing innovative solutions recognized through coordination and partnership of national and international collaborations. With the mission to support the main research lines and competences in the Institute there is a specific office of Knowledge dissemination and transfer technology.
Staff involved in BPE: Gabriella Santagata (Scientific leader for CNR partnership), Pierfrancesco Cerruti, Gennaro Scarinzi, Sarai Agustin Salazar, (WP3, WP5) Maria Gelli and Lorena Affatato (WP2, WP9) (photo )
The Institute of Chemical Sciences and Technologies (SCITEC) "Giulio Natta" was created on 1st October 2019 by merging three previous CNR Institutes, namely, ICRM, ISMAC and ISTM. The activity fields of these internationally recognized excellent scientific institutions are: biomolecules, chemical biotechnologies and mechanisms of bioregulation; macromolecular chemistry, physics, engineering and technology; theoretical and experimental modeling of molecular, macromolecular and nanostructured systems; development and application of new technologies to chemistry, materials science, life science, safeguard of cultural heritage. In the framework of the so-called “Third Mission Activity”, CNR-SCITEC has developed a scalable model, christened 3D Communication, brought about to enhance and disseminate scientific knowledge and research achievements. The research activity of the CNR-SCITEC Section of Genoa is focused on the design, formulation, characterization and development of multicomponent polymer-based materials for safe food packaging, energy harvesting and storage, new bioplastic solutions, plastic materials and eco-composites from industrial and agro-food by-products, bioinspired nutraceuticals and drugs for prevention of multifactorial and degenerative diseases, epidemiological and biochemical monitoring of addictions and metabolic damage.
Staff involved in BPE: Paola Stagnaro (responsible of the activities for SCITEC), Lucia Conzatti, Roberto Utzeri, Cristina D’Arrigo, Giorgio Luciano, Maurizio Vignolo (WP3, WP5), Michela Tassistro, Ilaria Schizzi (WP2, WP9) (photo (photo
The Institute of Biophysics (IBF) has its headquarters in Genova, and operates through its network of offices and laboratories in Milan, Pisa, Trento and Palermo. The main objective of the Institute of Biophysics is scientific research reflected in a variety of research lines, including: transport through biological membranes, vegetable physiology, biological macromolecules, environmental processes and mathematical processes of biological systems. The Institute research lines are characterized by a transverse approach including different competences: from biology to physics, from engineering to chemistry and mathematics. The scientific results obtained by the Institute provide a consistent contribution to the understanding of various diseases and to the development of possible new therapies.
Staff involved in BPE: Paolo Facci (responsible for the activities of the IBF unit), Federica Viti and Francesca Sbrana (WP3, WP5), Francesca Spano’ and Alessandro Barbin (WP9). (photo
CNR role in BPE project
In the frame of BIOPLASTICS EUROPE project, the institutes contributed with their knowledge and experience mainly contributing to the scientific investigations of bioplastics in form of films and biocomposites biodegraded in different environments. IPCB tested the structural, morphological, spectroscopic, thermal and mechanical properties of films and biocomposites after natural aging in common soil and accelerated aging in climatic chamber, under UV action. SCITEC performed research and testing activity on bioplastic based materials to study degradation kinetics following their structural changes and properties decay upon exposure in Mediterranean seawater. IBF contributed to the characterization of the impact of bioplastics in the environment by means of instrumental tests and biosensors for investigating bioplastics debris fate in water environment, especially sea.
The CNR staff managed (WP2, WP9) with the open innovation model developed: they promote and carry on research activities, in pursuit of excellence and strategic relevance within the national and international ambit, in the frame of European cooperation and integration. They communicate and disseminate science and knowledge in conventional and unconventional areas to support technology transfer and outreach activities.