Meet our partners: HWWI
This week in our partners introduction series, meet our partners at the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI), Germany.

The Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) is an independent, privately financed economic research institute. Its sole shareholder is the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and the associated scientific partner is the Helmut Schmidt University (HSU).
In its own research work, the HWWI focuses primarily on global economic issues, such as research into the consequences of environmental pollution and climate change, the causes and consequences of international migration flows, or the determinants of global economic growth. Currently, the institute is involved in several EU projects focusing on topics like sustainable development and circular economies.
Within the BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE project, the HWWI is responsible for the ecological and economic assessment of the bio-based and biodegradable plastic materials developed within the project. The Life-Cycle Assessments and Market-Analyses conducted so far, have provided important contributions to the sustainable design of bioplastic materials and products.
The BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE Team at HWWI consists of Dr. Joel Methorst and Marie-Christin Rische. Both have a strong background in economic and ecological research. Dr. Joel Methorst is experienced in assessing the ecological and societal impacts of climate change. Marie-Christin Rische has experience in the economic assessment of environmental damages and ecosystem services.