Meet our partners: Ecoembes' TheCircularLab
Ecoembes inside TheCircularLab is supporting BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE with their expert knowledge on plastic waste management. Ecoembes' TheCircularLab is the first open innovation center specialized in the circular economy in Europe, opened in 2017 and focused on the study, testing and development of best practices in the field of packaging and its subsequent recycling. TheCircularLab goal: to promote circularity through solutions that make the entire recycling process easier and better.

It does so through the development of the most advanced technology and the implementation of hundreds of innovative ideas. And it is that in this center, which is located in Logroño (north of Spain), the recycling of the future is thought and developed hand in hand with an ecosystem of open innovation, with more than 200 organizations, including universities, research centers, entrepreneurs, companies and administrations, related to the circular economy.
It works from four lines of action. With Ecodesign, inspiring companies, for example, in the creation of more sustainable packaging; with the Citizen Area, listening, knowing and helping citizens in matters of recycling to make it easier for them, as well as with mobile applications that help them do it; Smart Waste, promoting solutions that think about the present and future of recycling, and that go through the improvement of infrastructures, such as the development of smart containers that allow measuring the frequency of filling them and optimizing collection routes.
And finally, Entrepreneurship, an area from which the work carried out by hundreds of entrepreneurs who contribute to progress towards a sustainable model is accredited and made visible. In addition, it helps to devise, incubate, and accelerate initiatives, through programs that generate new products and services related to the circular economy with them. However, it is also committed to young talent with training programs, such as CircularTalentLab, through which they respond to different environmental problems.