19. Oct 2022
Invitation to a survey: Do biodegradable plastics have a role to play in the circular economy? Have your say!
Our project partners the Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL), Prospex Institute (PI) and Tecnologie Innovative per il Controllo Ambientale e lo Sviluppo Sostenible scrl (TICASS) are conducting a survey to try and answer the question if biodegradable and compostable plastics are suitable in commercial and household applications.

Do you have expertise or knowledge in any of the following fields
- agriculture,
- packaging,
- cutlery,
- toys,
- aquatic applications (e.g. fisheries),
- plastic material and waste management?
Then your inputs would be highly appreciated!
The results will eventually be translated into policy recommendations to facilitate the upscaling of bio-based and biodegradable plastics in Europe and support the transition to the circular economy.
Please access the survey here: https://prospex.typeform.com/to/TwhjDKTZ