Happy New Year: 2021 BPE forecast
A quick recap of BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE's 2020 and what is in store for 2021.

BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE has seen a successful 2020. In the year that was, the project completed its first year. We have strengthened our online communications, developed and started testing our first bio-based and biodegradable materials, established our network and watched it grow to include more than 1000 stakeholders.
In 2021, we will keep this momentum up with several activities already in the pipeline. For starters, we will strengthen our stakeholder network by organizing more workshops on bio-based and biodegradable materials. We are also going to make our first Life-cycle Assessment (LCA) report available, as well as preliminary safety protocols and business models.
Our focus also lies on the Historic Cities against Plastic Waste Network (HISCAP) and European Bioplastic Research Network (EBRN), which already organized events in 2020. The 3rd EBRN event is coming up on 17 February and registrations are already open.
BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE has seen a successful 2020. In the year that was, the project completed its first year. We have strengthened our online communications, developed and started testing our first bio-based and biodegradable materials, established our network and watched it grow to include more than 1000 stakeholders.
In 2021, we will keep this momentum up with several activities already in the pipeline. For starters, we will strengthen our stakeholder network by organizing more workshops on bio-based and biodegradable materials. We are also going to make our first Life-cycle Assessment (LCA) report available, as well as preliminary safety protocols and business models.
Our focus also lies on the Historic Cities against Plastic Waste Network (HISCAP) and European Bioplastic Research Network (EBRN), which already organized events in 2020. The 3rd EBRN event is coming up on 17 February and registrations are already open.
For more information on our EU-funded Horizon2020 project BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE, please visit our social media profiles: