Over 100 participants came together at the BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE kick-off-meeting in Hamburg. Partners and Stakeholders from all over the world discussed sustainable strategies and solutions for bio-based plastic products.

The project BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE addresses the topic „Sustainable solutions for bio-based plastics on land and sea”. The project started in October 2019 and will end on the 30th of September 2023. The project has been funded by the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and strong consortium of 22 partners was formed. While most partners are from the EU, one company represents non-EU partner from Malaysia. During the project duration, partners (together with their stakeholders and associate partners) will perform innovative studies and tests on bioplastics to reach the main objective:
“The development of sustainable strategies and solutions for bio-based plastic products, as well as the development of approaches focused on circular innovation for the whole bio-plastics system. These may be deployed to support policy-making, innovation and technology transfer”
On the 28th and 29th of October 2019, the Kick Off Meeting took place in Hamburg, Germany. All partners attended the meeting and started working on this project which has been funded by the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 860407.
First day, all partners and two EU officers joined the General Assembly Kick-Off Meeting. Many presentations on various topics were given, so that all partners have the same basis. A main part of the presentations was to introduce each of the eight work packages by the corresponding work package-leaders. The presentations stimulated interesting and important discussions. Between the presentations, current topics were discussed in small groups. At this part of the meeting, partners had chance to interact and a network was developed and strengthened.
Second day in the afternoon, external stakeholders with an interest in bioplastic also took part in the meeting in Hamburg. This part, namely the Open Kick-Off Meeting, was organized with the final aim to promote this new project and raise the engagement of the stakeholders who shared their knowledge about the topic by mentioning many new and interesting aspects.
During the meeting, some key outcomes were identified, responsibilities to the partners were assigned and timelines were established.
In total, over 100 participants joined the Kick-Off meeting in Hamburg. This number of participants again illustrates the relevance of the topic and shows that both scientific and private organisations have recognised the interest of stakeholders in bio-plastics.