BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE Austrian Stakeholder Meeting
The virtual Austrian Stakeholder Meeting about bio-based and biodegradable plastics was hosted by acib GmbH on 07.10.2020 and welcomed the key players of the topic for a joint discussion.

After an introduction of the BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE project, attendees heard about the roadmap 2050 for bio-based plastics of the Austrian Umweltbundesamt. Then, the plastics cluster of Upper Austria and Lower Austria gave an overview about their current network.
After that, acib researcher Doris Ribitsch gave an overview about enzymatic technologies for (bio)plastics processing. One of the external BPE advisors, Maximilian Lackner from FH Technikum Wien, outlined the potential of PHA biopolymers. The discussion panel was completed by Greiner Packaging, representing the packaging industry and giving a critical view about risks and chances of biopolymers.
The interest of the audience was shown by several questions and statements during the discussion. After a 3-hour event, the panel decided to meet in the future for a follow-up.